Misty's profile
Los Angeles, CA3 months ago
The bottom line is, people need to leave people alone! There are millions of people walking around with pent-up stress and anger ready to explode.
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Leora Bogue's profile
Leora Bogue
Naples, FL3 months ago
She hit him first. She is the agessive one. Tell the story right. Telling them he is assaulting him when she hit first. Shame on you. I hope the police get this.
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JUSTIN MYERS's profile
Danville, VA3 months ago
she racist. lol. this can be counted as a racist hate crime. felony charges lady. shouldn't say you hate a race and use a racist word while doing so. how would you.like it if even a Mexican said they hate the n word? oh you would be getting 30 people to bank him
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stoic's profile
Louisa, VA3 months ago
For everyone who says she assaulted him first no that’s not correct when you walk up to someone in a threatening way in their personal space like that and she’s telling him to get out of her face and he refuses that’s assault first
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C Gonz's profile
C Gonz
Chicago, IL3 months ago
The bottom line is you need to know the law you assault a senior in the state of Illinois and you’re going down more than head you assaulted anyone else
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