john snead's profile
john snead
Im glad old boy got up out of there quick as hell. My man came and stood next to him and said something old boy said im out.
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Reddrum69 's profile
Hamilton, OH6 days ago
TikTok will say that you violated community standards asap! Unalived is safe to use, you understood what it meant! TF!
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Sparkitus Maximus's profile
Sparkitus Maximus
Oceano, CA6 days ago
Unalive? What an assnine word! Say murder or kill like a normal human being!
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Susan Zitzler's profile
Susan Zitzler
Coffeeville, Mississippi6 days ago
so did they take him "OUT OF THIS WORLD" and make it safer for everyone else or what. BANG HE IS GONE GOOD another crappy ass man leaves this earth
Josiah Lopez's profile
Josiah Lopez
Kyle, TX3 days ago
the guy committed something very wrong I'm just glad he had the decency to not take out other people with him when he knew it wasn't going to end well for him.
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