Rachel Meyer's profile
Rachel Meyer
Oklahoma City, OK18 days ago
I'd never seen this type of roller coaster in all my 45 years on the planet. I just added riding one to my bucket list!
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Nina Santiago's profile
Nina Santiago
The Bronx, NY17 days ago
that's awesome but I don't think my arthritis would let me actually enjoy that ..I'm old I have to totally pre-think any type of adventure , movement 🤣🤣
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Your Daddy's profile
Your Daddy
Greenville, TX17 days ago
It would’ve been more entertaining if a Bear jumped out of nowhere and slapped the $hit out of him. 🤪
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Madd✨Miche's profile
Fall River, MA18 days ago
I want to go on one of these sooo bad!! seems way better than a regular coaster bc of the scenery!
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Lamario Kelly's profile
Lamario Kelly
Winston-Salem, NC17 days ago
I love these, just recently did the one in grandfather mountain, a lot smaller but similar…the only part that sucks is when u do get behind someone that uses their breaks and u catch up to them, that’s why i always go with friends and we ride in a pack
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